Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Paramore Adopt a New Mantra with Their Latest Single, ‘C’est Comme Ça’

In a mere two and a half minutes, Paramore’s newest track, ‘C’est Comme Ca’, packs a strong punch. 

Roughly translating to ‘that’s just the way it is’, ‘C’est Comme Ça’ keeps in theme with their two previous releases - blinding honesty paired with obvious fatigue. 

The track’s two-part story of navigating mental health depicts the desperate want to work on yourself, “I’m off caffeine on doctor’s orders / said it was gonna help to level out my hormones”, and resisting the urge to regress back to old, harmful habits, “I still need a certain degree of disorder”.

Although undoubtedly a staple of the emo-punk era of the 2000s, Paramore are more recently known for experimenting sonically - even once self-proclaiming themselves as ‘genre-neutral’. It’s safe to say that ‘C’est Comme Ça’ has joined the club of being one of the band’s most interesting songs to date. The fun childlike chorus paired with a strikingly candid verse and intense bridge creates a contrast so stark it feels almost physically tangible. 

As Williams adopts a monotonous and slightly eerie narrator’s voice in the verses, therapising herself, “it’s my dependence on the friction that really hinders my progression” she divulges a narrative that lifelong fans of Paramore, now in their 20s and 30s, are all too familiar with - realising you’ve grown up way too quickly without even noticing. Reflected of course in the mundane and ordinary - “my social life - a chiropractic appointment”.

The bridge is perhaps the most compelling section of the song, led with catharsis as Williams’ vocals develop into more of an unhinged scream. In a world that is so fortunately focused on maintaining wellness and inner work, Paramore tap into the lesser discussed side of this - that it sometimes becomes difficult or tiresome, “I hate to admit getting better is boring / but with the high cost of chaos, who can afford it?”

This cleverly harks back to their previous single ‘The News’ which discusses the harrowing state of politics and current world events. Asking listeners, is it possible to allow personal regression when the world is frightening enough as it is?

This leaves only 7 unheard tracks in anticipation of their 5th album ‘This Is Why’. If the explored cohesion of the previous three singles is anything to go by, one can only assume the album will follow suit. ‘This Is Why’ is set for a February release, followed by a UK Arena tour in April.

Rachel Feehan

@rachiefee @rachel_feehan

Image: ‘This Is Why’ Official Album Cover