Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Blues, Blues and More Blues: Gary Dranow Does It Again With New Single ‘Destiny Road’

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, it did. Gary Dranow continues his streak of single releases on the build-up to his EP ‘Destiny Road’ with this titular track.

Stepping straight out the wild west, ‘Destiny Road’ is about the pursuit of one’s fate. Based on a dream that Dranow had back in the 90s, the band intended to release this over 25 years ago. 

The dream itself depicted Dranow himself among jade hills and falling in love with a foreign traveller as shown through the lyrics ‘Far away on those hills of emerald. I see myself lost in a dream.’ The next day, he wrote ‘Destiny Road.’ With foreshadowing connotations, the track oozes with a sense of positivity, giving listeners a glimmer of hope.

There is, like previous releases, elements of the 70s within ‘Destiny Road’ think Deep Purple or The Rolling Stones. Opening with the whole sha-bang, from dynamic and progressive guitar chords, an added dose of discordant harmonies and flattened notes that is associated with blues rock.

‘Destiny Road’ feels like a hybrid of blues rock meets psychedelic, though there is a country-esque style to it as well, especially within the song’s chorus. Shown through its simple form and an emphasised use of string instruments such as an electric and acoustic guitar. Long and drawn-out guitar solos add an element of rock ‘n’ roll and seem effortless.

Dranow’s vocal stylings perfectly compliment the lyrics and multitude of sub-genres. His ability to create a vivid story and imagery makes ‘Destiny Road’ gripping and ties the whole track together. The end results? A compelling concoction of genre, and enthralling listen.

‘Destiny Road’ is an excellent insight to what Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions are capable of releasing. Similar but different to previous releases over the last few months, they truly are masters of all things blues rock but also know how to dabble in and out of other genres to keep their art refreshing and new.

Ana Joy King


Image: ‘Destiny Road’ Official Single Cover