Monday, March 06, 2023

Sugarmoon Provide Some Swagger On Latest Single ‘Peaches & Cream’

When the initial bassline kicks in for Sugarmoon’s latest single, you’d be forgiven for thinking the Talking Heads had made an unlikely comeback. ‘Peaches & Cream’ is a sultry and swaggeringly sexy offering from the Bristol-based 5-piece, where a blend of influences meet to create one of the most intriguing songs of the year so far. 

It highlights the exciting and multi-dimensional skillset of the band that the Talking Heads vibe soon acquiesces to a more American southern rock footing as rolling drums and sharp saxophone bursts join the fray and quickly allow the song to gallop forwards.  

Sugarmoon are driven by their two lead singers: Ryan McMurtry and Sophie Jones. It is McMurtry who takes the reigns on ‘Peaches & Cream’, where his swooning vocals fit perfectly into the jazz-rock of the music. “Laid back, easy-peasy / Cos life is such a drag, but it’s easy for me” he croons in a voice that has been subtly distorted in the studio, as the backing track makes way for a lone drum beat which only serves to highlight his cocksure delivery. 

Peaches & Cream’ quickly descends into a lounge-esque sonic breakdown as Sophie Jones goes to town on her saxophone whilst swirling organ riffs create a cacophony of noise that seems to have come straight out of an early Doors record. The sheer assault of noise from the track’s intermission gives it an otherworldly feel reminiscent of a time well past, yet it also only adds to the intrigue of one of the freshest sounding releases from one of the country’s best undiscovered gems. 

Sugarmoon have become adept at using subtle stylistic changes to create fluid yet exciting releases. Whether it be the sway between 60s’ pop and big band sound of previous single ‘Just a Feeling’ or the summer-soaked folk-pop of ‘Under The Sea’, the band aren’t afraid to take risks and wear their influences on their sleeves. It’s this exact element of the Sugarmoon that makes them so interesting, and that theme certainly continues on the marvellous ‘Peaches & Cream’.  

James Ogden 

Image: ‘Peaches & Cream’ Official Single Cover