Thursday, March 23, 2023

Tom Craven Impresses On Latest Single ‘New Signals’

Tom Craven has been one of the most consistent, if somewhat unknown artists of the past 15 years. After releasing his debut EP ‘Unseen Angel’ in 2008, the Milton Keynes native has gone on to release three more EP’s, and his debut solo album ‘Letter/Diary’ in 2012

Across his eclectic output, Craven has proven himself to be a talented storyteller with a knack for a great hook, and that’s no different on his latest single ‘New Signals’. 

With its larger-than-life grandeur and Craven’s accessible yet poignant witticisms, the track has a rather celebratory feel. “But there’s smiles in the night and getting lost in the songs / You brought to me a light” he sings, over sultry guitar lines and immense piano chords that give ‘New Signals’ an end of the night, early morning walk home aura – it’s almost as if you can hear the birds dawn chorus over the cinematic sound Craven manages to craft.  

The natural swaying the music provides through its relaxed delivery is what allows the track to develop such an earnest feel, as the soft vocal delivery guides the listener through the weighty, 5-minute ode to love and life. “Sing to me and I’ll take you home” Craven croons as the song's closing line, yet in the sweet embrace of this earthy track, you already feel like you’re there. 

James Ogden

Image: ‘New Signal’ Official Single Cover