Monday, April 03, 2023

Connor Kirk Impresses On Latest Single ‘Day By Day’

Connor Kirk is the epitome of art-rock. To many, that genre may seem to be pretentious and self-righteous, yet Kirk doesn’t come across that way at all. 

His smattering of previous singles have been flamboyant yet subtle, such as the exceptional ‘Strangers on a Train’ where the singer’s crooning, tongue-in-cheek vocal delivery combines with sun-soaked tones to create an interesting sound. 

It’s more of the same on the Philadelphian’s latest offering - the enthralling ‘Day by Day’. The track opens with a chanted mantra on the futility of modern capitalism where Kirk whimsically states “Day by day / Die for the living / You kill for a dime or you drown in the heat”. The nonchalant conveyance of the line is at odds with the depressing undertones of the lyrics, but again, the juxtaposition is what makes Kirk’s releases so intriguing. 

It's a Beck-inspired guitar riff and drumbeat that burst the song into life as Kirk himself delves headfirst into a spoken word monologue of abstract scenery. Yet, Kirk isn’t one to rest on his laurels as he erupts into a heavily distorted rap reminiscent of the late and great Chester Bennington. The 90’s themes are present throughout, even in the developing synths that provide ‘Day by Day’ with its climactic finish. 

What Kirk is able to create in just a three-and-a-half-minute track is quite spectacular. At times it comes across as ostentatious, but the cheeky delivery means that feeling never becomes dominant, instead you can just enjoy the talent of an artist pushing himself to his limits. 

James Ogden 

Image: ‘Day by Day’ Official Single Cover