Friday, August 04, 2023

Hypnotisingly Epic: Lazywall Release Rock/Metal Single ‘Dem 3la Dem’

Lazywall specialises in a hybrid of rock and metal with an oriental twist. Their latest single ‘Dem 3la Dem’ takes key elements of traditional Arabic music and mixes them with powerful rock chords to create a concoction of culture and metal. The result? A hypnotic track that entrances listeners and takes them on an epic journey.

Forming in England, Lazywall is a Moroccan rock trio made up of three brothers Nao, Yousesef and Monz, siting their influences as Led Zepplin, System of a Down and Audio Slave alongside their Middle Eastern roots.

‘Dem 3la Dem’ is about climate change and though sung in Arabic, (like their other releases) Lazywall uses emotion at the very centre and through the vocal stylings is able to perfectly convey a strong message and hard-hitting topics that cut deep despite language barriers. 

The opening of  ‘Dem 3la Dem’ immediately transports audiences into their Middle Eastern culture using Arabic time signatures and conveyed through an intricate acoustic guitar arrangement. This style and tempo create a colourful psychedelic kaleidoscope in the listener’s mind and have them hanging onto every note, leaving them in a trance. 

However, Lazywall soon breaks this trance by suddenly yet seamlessly changing the pace into an epic, hard-hitting rock arrangement that is rich with electric guitar shreds and a heavy drumbeat that alongside powerful gripping vocals, empowering lyricism and the ever-present hint of that intricate acoustic guitar results in the perfect rock ballad.

Ana Joy King


Image: ‘Dem 3la Dem’ Official Single Cover