Sunday, October 15, 2023

Blossoms are Back With Bittersweet Tune 'To Do List (After the Breakup)'

In short, Blossoms are arguably the best thing to have come out of Stockport, maybe ever. 

The five-man band comprising of Myles, Charlie, Josh, Joe and eclectic frontman Tom have been going for over a decade, and are known for their distinctive 80s synth and indie mashup sound.

After the release of their latest album 'Ribbon Around the Bomb' and subsequent successful tour in 2022, they've been laying fairly low. But, with fellow Stockport musician Findlay in tow, they're now back with their Bittersweet new track 'To Do List (After the Breakup)'. 

Storytelling is not something that the band struggle with, and this song is another testament to that. Following the song's title and going through a to-do list following a breakup, the song has an especially candid touch. Lyrics like "Delete their number / though it's memorised / on your fingertips / for the rest of your life" encapsulate something so universally felt but often brandished as silly or weak. 

Slightly leaning into these judgements, Tom sings of feeling foolish and ashamed – played by Cupid even. Although the song is supported by a swelling arrangement of rumbling guitars, trusty synths, and poppy beat, you aren't meant to forget it's sad. But perhaps it's an embodiment of a positive way to view a not-great situation. After all, everyone has at least one stage after a breakup where the self-pity and pep-talks kick in, so maybe wallowing is okay, for a while. Making a to-do list to help yourself out of it? Even better. 

Findlay's delicate vocals are also a welcome addition to the song. There's no denying that romance and breakup songs with an alternating duo pull at heartstrings in a particular way. Findlay's sweet, ebbing tones pair strikingly with Tom's classic Brit Pop voice, and drive in the message of the song. 

The band don't have many collaborative songs in their discography, so this new track is a refreshing listen. 

What's next for Blossoms? Well, with a new album currently being teased, it's a matter of waiting now. However, if their gleaming track record is anything to go by, listeners can definitely expect something good. 

Sasha Semjonova 
Image: 'To Do List (After the Breakup)' Official Single Cover