Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Encouraging Listeners Globally To Feel Empowered In Every Aspect Of Life, Avril Lavigne and All Time Low Team Up On New Single

Alternative rock legends All Time Low and Avril Lavigne have recently joined forces to produce one of the greatest pop-punk singles to date.

The four-piece band was originally formed in high school with an alternative lineup as the original members bonded over the works of Blink-182.

After former members left and current ones joined, they then released their debut EP in 2004 and this year announced the release of their ninth album to date; a truly inspiring array of music. 

Lavinge released her eighth album last year and proved that her talent in paving the way for many female punk influences continues to this day. With her eight Grammy awards, there is no doubt that the artist is one of the most awe-inspiring talents of this generation and creates some of the most impactful and empowering music. 

Together, the artists have produced a new single titled ‘Fake As Hell’, a fast tempo, intense and intricately crafted track dedicated to moving on from people and situations not serving you well in life. It begins with a rhythmic guitar sound underneath the vocals of lead singer Alex Gaskarth- it introduces this paradox of leaving someone who was once a big part of life. The line “thanks for the memories” encapsulates this idea of a background, a past with someone that initially feels difficult to part from, but also uses a satirical undertone to allow listeners an insight into the reality of such situations. There is often more to a person than one is presented with primarily. 

As the track continues and the vocals of both Lavigne and Gaskarth overlap and intertwine with one another, there is a sense of being lost and then finding your way once again. There’s a journey in the sound, a realisation of what is reality in terms of relationships with people and places, and what is (as the title suggests) ‘Fake as Hell’. The estrangement from toxicity is a message society could use as a whole, emphasising the importance of self-love and self-empowerment at all times.

Abby Price


Image: ‘Fake As Hell’ Official Single Cover