Monday, January 15, 2024

Royel Otis Share Another Glimpse of Their Debut Album With ‘Velvet’

Royel Otis treat us to another single ‘Velvet’ from their upcoming debut album ‘PRATTS & PAIN’ which is to be released on February 16th

This album is set to be a truly astonishing and perfectly profound record from what we have heard so far with singles such as ‘Fried Rice’ and ‘Heading For The Door’ which are tracks full of catchy guitar and beautiful melodies.

 The Australian duo consisting of Royel Maddel and Otis Pavlovic have been hopping around the world showcasing their bouncy indie tunes to gig goers globally for a few years, making Royel Otis fans giddy for the release of their first album.  

This track is filled to the brim with high pitch piano noise and proclaiming spoken word like vocals creating a tense atmosphere as the song intensifies throughout. The repeated lyrics of ‘‘I’m suffering’’ with the happy sounding guitar and drums makes an unusual feeling I can only describe as angelic anger. As you listen to the song and the sound it creates, it makes the listener believe this is an uplifting indie beat, but the more you delve into the lyrics it makes you think otherwise. Line’s such as ‘‘my baby screams you’re a disease’’ really teases the prospect of this track heading towards the ‘pain’ in ‘PRATTS & PAIN’.  

No matter the story behind its deep words, this single is a truly divine piece of music with its uphill motion of intensity throughout and the jazz inspired sound with the added piano. With every Royel Otis single release, the anticipation to hear the full record flourishes and February 16th cannot come soon enough.  

Alice Mason

Instagram: @alicemxson / @alicegoestogigs 

Image: ‘Velvet’ Official Single Cover