Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Pour Us Another Cup Of ‘Coffee’! Hinds Is Back In Town

Facing their first musical release in four years as a newly revamped duo, Hinds makes a strong comeback to the scene. An ode to staying youthful and unapologetically yourself, their new single ‘Coffee’ and fun music video to match has us excited to see (and hear) more.

Tuning into a soft pop rock feel, Ana Perrote and Carlota Cosials remind us that sometimes life should be as simple as loving black coffee, cigarettes, and flowers from boys you are definitely not sleeping with. Let’s forget about what’s right and what’s wrong, and focus more on the present, on living, and most importantly, feeling alive. Viva Hinds!

If the lyrics leave any doubt, “don't look at me with those eyes”, go and watch the music video. Filmed in their hometown, because “there’s nothing as sweet as living in Madrid”, the duo has fun in the sunny streets along with friends and bikes just outside a “taller” (Spanish for a mechanics garage). So grab the closest wheels you have around, go out, and enjoy being yourself this 2024. ‘Coffee’ will be there as you laugh at the silly ups and downs of life. 

As their own lyrics say, “dreams are loud in every street” for Hinds this year. With plenty of upcoming show dates through the US, Europe, and the UK already, make sure you don't miss out on having the time of your life!

Sofia Gimenez


Image: ‘Coffee’ Official Single Cover