Imagine you walked into a whimsical forest, and as you stumbled through the undergrowth, you unearthed a colony of insects. Except these insects were incredibly talented musicians, wearing horrendously charming little green hats and armed to the teeth with the remnants of vintage guitar pedals.
What you likely stumbled across is Bug Teeth, a five-piece band from Leeds renowned for their extremely charming connection to the insect world.
Releasing their incredibly popular EP ‘Lucky Me Lucky Mud’ in February 2023, the band's inventive style of ethereal music making has stirred considerable popularity. Yet their latest single, ‘Landscaping’, only proves to further signify their relentlessly inventive musical personality, with a track that, across six minutes, burrows deep into the fantastical grooves of the band's imagination.
Stretching from the ambient soundscapes of the likes of Boards of Canada and the dancey breakbeat of Aphex Twin, ‘Landscaping’ is a track that, through its purposeful imperfections, displays an inventiveness often reserved from the realms of popular music. Whether it’s the way in which enchanting flutes bow and swell out of stereo or the swirling keyboards that entangle the furious sound of breakbeat, ‘Landscaping’ fearlessly blooms into its euphoric climax. Effortlessly commanded by lead singer PJ Johnson’s ethereal vocals, bug teeth have playfully sprung from their earthy habitat to impart a glimpse of their enchanting world of music. Not only are Bug Teeth proudly representing the fantastic array of music emerging from Leeds, but their charming character, clawed from the mischievous arms of the forest flaw, is a great example of how some bands are beginning to create increasingly ingenious worlds to befit their musical craft.
Ewan Bourne
Image: ‘Landscaping’ Official Single Cover