Monday, February 17, 2025

Seven Questions With The Sherlocks

Indie powerhouses The Sherlocks have been mainstays on the Northern music scene ever since the release of their The Strokes-adjacent breakout single 'Last Night' in 2017.

With their fifth studio album due out this Friday, we chat with front-man Kiaran all things 'Everything Must Make Sense!', their Uruguayan superfan and their career highlights as part of the Seven Questions with Music Is To Blame Series.

Introduce yourself and where are you’re from. 

We’re The Sherlocks. We’re an indie rock n roll band from Sheffield composing of Brandon on drums, Alex on guitar and BV’s, Trent on bass and BV’s and myself Kiaran who sings and plays guitar.

What do our readers need to know about you?

Well we’ve got a new record coming out! It’s called ‘Everything Must Make Sense!’.

And yeah, we’re super proud of it! We had a lot of fun recording it in Manchester earlier on last year and now we can’t wait to just finally get it out there and let people hear it!

What have you got coming up that you’re most excited for? 

Besides the new album that’s coming out, I’d say touring! We’re going out on a headline tour across Europe in April & also a UK headline tour in May! We didn’t tour the UK last year in terms of headline gigs, only support slots, so we honestly can’t wait to get back out there and play to our own fans who are incredible!

What’s the best run in you’ve had with a fan?

There has been loads over the years but the one that springs to mind straight away is back in 2018/2019 something like that where a fan travelled from Uruguay where he lives all the way to the UK, tour mine and Brandon’s hometown… which is a tiny tiny village just to meet us. How nuts is that!! He literally rocked up to the local boozer and got talking to the landlady, next thing you know she gave Brandon a ring and said ‘’There’s young lad here who’s apparently travelled from Uruguay to meet The Sherlocks’’. So we went down and met him and we still keep in touch to this day.

What’s been your biggest ‘I’ve made it’ moment so far?

I don’t know, we definitely don’t think we’ve made it cos we haven’t. By a long shot. When you can get to the level of someone like U2 for example, then you can say you’ve made it! But to answer your question, I don’t know probably something like headlining Don Valley Bowl or playing Victoria Warehouse in Manchester. 

To bring thousands of people together who are spending their hard earned money to come and sing your songs and have a good time is a real achievement. It’s a lot harder than you think otherwise every band would be able to do it. So yeah I think that recent Sheffield gig has been a real highlight as it was a sign of good things to come and that all these years on we’re still on the up and still getting bigger and bigger!

What are your three “desert island” albums?

'The Stone Roses' - The Stone Roses
'Alone with Everybody' - Richard Ashcroft
'Everything Must Make Sense!' - The Sherlocks

Sum up your sound in three words.


Lana Williams


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