From New Orleans, LA the band Loucey truly does put the art in artists. Across each project they embark on, complete artistic and creative talents are showcased flawlessly, and it’s clear that natural instincts are always something to trust in.
With a bedroom-pop vibe and an evident talent for dominating the retro scene, their new single ‘Illusions’ sets a beautiful foundation for success, joyousness and all-round musical paradise.
It begins with a jaunty, ethereal sound accompanied by a steady rhythm with the synth and the drums singing sweetly to one another. As the smooth sound of the vocals merges with the instrumental, it brings an immediate sense of calmness to a listener, a calmness found in being able to sit with the band and be taken through the song and never rushed ahead or left behind. It’s a perfect balance of keeping attention and engagement but acknowledging the relationship between the artist and the fanbase.
The harmonies alone are sounds to make the whole body sway, transforming into a metronome immersed within the song. It feels as though heads are turning and spinning as feet remain planted firmly on the ground below; there’s a certain out-of-body experience that doesn’t instill fear, but faith. Faith that one can stop for a while to enjoy the sound and not worry about the tribulations of modern-day life. Instead, listen to the pitch changes of the synth and the chill sounds of the guitar, and feel the waves of sound overcome every element of the body.
At the end of the track, the band manages to perfectly bring us from this state of euphoria as we listen back to our reality; it’s not jarring or sudden. There is a gentle fading out of the heavier drum sounds alongside a gorgeous harmonic final vocal line before our last little touch of noise, and then completion. It's a story, a painting, a sculpture rendered living through music, and really is extraordinary.
Abby Tapping
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