Saturday, March 15, 2025

Airy turned Angsty: Freak Slug Finds New Edge

Freak Slug is back, blending her tender bedroom pop vocals with a fuller guitar-driven backing to explore a rich spectrum of emotion in her debut album, ‘I Blow Out Big Candles(But With a Cherry on Top)’, now with two new tracks in the deluxe release.

Five years after the success of her debut EP, ‘Videos’, released amidst the lockdown bedroom pop boom, Manchester-born Xenya Genovese has developed her airy vocals and expanded her pared-back harmonies and acoustic guitar to find a new, heavier depth, anchoring her sound in grungier territory. 

The album opens on the moody ‘Ya Ready’ and the sound already feels fresh, blending familiar soft guitar strumming with an airy saxophone. But once these lighter melodies appear resolved, the track gives way to a heavier, grungier backing, drum-led and largely built around the steady alternation between two notes. The youthful tone of Genovese’s voice is in new territory, but makes for an effective first step into the fuller, more shaded direction of the album, fluctuating in and out of the lighter sound of her previous work.

Lyrics throughout are playful, from ‘Sexy lemon’, a bittersweet ode to blondes with an untouchable quality, to the call to “Come play out tonight” amidst the emphatic yearning of ‘Be Your Girl’. Things soon run deeper, as lyrics question compatibility and self-confidence, the danger of flirtation in ‘Spells’ manifested in the strained relationship of ‘Liquorice’ and the fear of reality breaking that charm in ‘Get Away’

‘Shiver’ and ‘Hello’ feel more distinctly reminiscent of Freak Slug’s previous work, offering a pause in her newer production styling to re-emphasise her familiar feathery vocals and hazy, contemplative harmonies midway through the album. This gives way to the hesitation of ‘Witch’, the slouching snare pausing a beat to create a sense of momentarily hindered impulsiveness - where the lyrics suggest the aim to fall without thinking, but the music hints at a reservation beneath the surface.

Her honest, playful style carries through to the album visuals, complete with handwritten tracklist and a homemade cake on the back cover. These personal touches stay consistent with her music videos, from the home video effect of ‘Spells’ , to the long nails and lacy skirts familiar from her tour outfits, worn in her newest video for ‘Killer, a new addition with the deluxe album. As a skilled painter, she even hung her own creations at her album launch party, and introduced some pieces hung in her studio whilst talking through her writing process on Instagram. Her background in visual art reaches through her music, producing an album rich with soundscapes and imagery from cover to cover.

‘Killer’ is a welcome new addition, adding depth to the tracklist immediately prior to the playful ‘Piece of Cake’, furthering the levity of the latter. With a heavy bassline, ‘Killer’ acts as an eerie warning to the song’s subject for being “nasty / And that’s not cool”. The darker moments on the album are made more sinister by the sweetness of the lyrics. This is especially evident in ‘Piece of Cake’, which cleverly traces the line of frustration of a promising partner turned dull. The upbeat tone of the verses are tainted by a sarcastic tone, with obscure yet playful melodies played above the verses, abandoned in the chorus with the sombre repetition of the lyric “I never look back”, accompanied by heavier guitar layered with sobbing.

This isn’t the first time Genovese has played with human vocals beyond singing on the album. The sinister ‘Spells’, the album’s lead single, uses screams and howls. Genovese’s exploration of more involved production has allowed her to experiment, and in doing so, it is clear that Freak Slug won’t let her soft vocals mask her big emotions. 

The result is a daring step into a darker Freak Slug sound, edging further from her bedroom pop roots to traverse grungier pastures. With her relatable lyrics and ability to span genres whilst sticking to her roots, dedicated fans and new listeners alike will find a slice of earnest expression, skilfully blending the nostalgic 2020 sound with a fresh take for her growing audience. Currently touring the US, Freak Slug comes to the UK and Europe this May with her Big Candles Tour, promising an exciting new sound you won’t want to miss.

Teagan Booker


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